Courage: Quality of Heart

Sacre Cour is a place in Paris, France. A beautiful part of the city, one of the mountains that define the landscape under the old Roman / Gaul cityscape. Sacre Cour is also the name of the church that dominates that borough. Sacre Cour, sacred heart, reminds us that the root of courage is heart, not mind.

We do not know where we will end up when we decide to reconcile. The place where we will end up is always unexpected, not where we planned. Why is this?

Because the place where we are heading is undiscovered county, a place we have never been. It is brand new territory. Traveling in a strange land with a different landscape, climate and language, we understandably feel anxiety, trepidation, excitement. Or maybe we avoid it, stay home where it’s safe and familiar.

This is why true reconciliation feels uncomfortable or strange or exciting, because it is supposed to be a place that is unfamiliar if true change is occurring.

Remember though, this strange place may be a place you have been before.  Unknown with the mind, yet familiar in your gut?   In fact we have all been there: connected, understanding, compassionate. Many of us lose our way back, many more forgot how we left.  Re-conciliation is a return to the place of connection. Take heart, feel courage in knowing once you travel far enough in, you will recall the steps, remember the language, and return to heart.

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